Tuesday 22 January 2013

how hard it could be

now i can see how hard it is to start a blog, no matter what topic you are writing about, the main difficulty is not the technical part, because they made it really easy to start, or running out words, because you will always find something to talk about, the real obstacle is how to stay blogging.
i will complete this article later sorry i got bored now


  1. Really amazing stuff here for aspiring bloggers... I mean wow...I am still trying to wrap my head around this.

    I have done every sort of social media sharing, bookmarking, and subscribing that can possibly be done to this post so don't even ask how devoted I am as a reader.

    Awaiting your latest update from behind the 35 RSS readers I have tracking this blog.

    1. thanks man, now i have the confidence to continue my career
